Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dec.10 - ONE LOVE for HAITI with OTM

ONE LOVE - DEC.10 at Kool Haus
The last event of the year for Haiti with "Off the Mat, Into the World".
Can't believe it is almost over! What am going to do with all my time when this is done???
Been a year of thinking about nothing BUT Haiti, which of course included TONS of hours planning, organizing, emailing, calling, talking, you name it!....ALL YEAR LONG!!
It was ALL worth it!!!

Full of GRATITUDE to the businesses and people that have supported my efforts all year.
This is it!! The final event! 
Your last chance to support....UNITING for a GREAT CAUSE!!
To give Haiti their dream of being self-sufficient and independent.  2012 will be Haiti's year to gain the help they need to create the lives they dream of.


Monday, November 14, 2011

November 6th event for HAITI

Hello dear friends,
It has been a while, I know.  All my energy has gone into raising the money for Haiti, which means countless (literally!) hours of work emailing, contacting, picking up, name it!

As the dead-line of Dec.15th gets closer, I am filled with emotions, some of which I am still trying to understand.  This year has had a profound effect on me, more than I can describe with the written word.  However, I will try and capture the essence of my year next month after the dead-line.  Perhaps, it will be easier to put into words when I am not thinking about the next event or action plan for Haiti.

So, a week ago Sunday (Nov.6) was one of my last events! I am overwhelmed, tired, and somehow still staying strong and persevering for a greater cause. For people that are still jobless, homeless, unskilled...and the list goes on. This article I wrote for Parvati Magazine captures who I am doing this for, and briefly how it has altered my life.

The event was in Richmond Hill at Jack Bengall's Dental clinic (gorgeous space!!).  Thank you so much, Jack!!
I am grateful beyond words to Elayna Bengall, Eric Benchimol and Michele Cauch for their constant support, encouragement, and never once doubting that I can indeed achieve my goal and make a change.

The event consisted of 2 yoga classes, a silent auction/raffle tickets, and the sampling of Thai massage by the talented Genia Klaiman.
As the morning began, I tried to release to whatever would unfold.  My stomach in a knot, and my body slighty numb as fear set in, and I felt these overwhelming emotions and just wanted to let it out and cry, but I knew I had to keep it least till after the event was done.

As I met my Eric to head over, I received emails and texts from people who wanted to donate or bid.  Good thing I have an IPhone and could get my mail!! The reaching out of people on the morning of, stirred more emotions of GRATITUDE, and just knowing the universe has a way of providing what and when it is needed. 
The event went well.  I tried to release to grace to who ever came and participated.  This is still a challenge for me, but this year has been good for the growth in living with grace and being okay with whatever the outcome. Being okay with what is...
                      WE raised $2,000 for HAITI!!!
The money was raised with ...
*the 2 yoga classes
* Bids on donated items/services
* Raffle tickets
* Thai Massage given for donation with Genia
* Global Wristbands for Haiti that were sold for $15

I am FULL of GRATITUDE for the people that contributed to the success of this event and the ones previously held.  You are ALL part of the CHANGE, and will provide for the country and the people of Haiti! I could NOT  have done it without your support and efforts!

When I got home after dinner that evening, I couldn't hold on any longer, nor did I feel the need to, and just let it out and cried, and cried, and cried...  Never thought I  had it in me to not only be a leader but also be part of the change, and just overwhelmed with what I have achieved. It has been part of my healing journey, as my heart has opened for a greater cause, and in turn for myself and ALL that I am.

Ella  xoxox
PS.  LAST EVENT, "ONE LOVE" on Dec. 10th. Stay tuned for details!:-)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This path....not as easy as one might think

Hello dear friends,
This blog will be on the spiritual path I have been on.  One of growing awareness, of all that was, all that is, and all that CAN be.
I have been on this path of "awakening" for over 3 years now, but it has definitely been heightened with the yoga therapy teacher training that I have been doing all year and the challenge I joined to raise money for Haiti with "Off the Mat, Into the World".  Both these journey's have given me a "step up" along  this path, this path of "awakening" the inner spirit.  At first I was thinking "I am SO looking forward to unpacking some of this baggage that seems to have set up home within me".  Well, NOT as easy as one would think, incredibly hard....on ALL levels!!For my Phoenix Rising Yoga therapy teacher training that is 8 months long, a lot of it is actually filled with readings, reflections, introspections, and making us look at our "shadows" so we can clear the path to hold an honest, authentic and safe space for the client, without our "baggage" getting in the way (Yes! We all have baggage). We are human after all.  Between the work for the course and my efforts on the journey to aid Haiti by raising funds and going there next year, A LOT has been coming up.
Growing up as a child, I lived in different countries like a gypsy. We were living in poverty and there was abuse, which led me to spend my teenage years going through the foster care system.   Somehow, I did make it, and went to several universities, only to return to the gypsy life I knew as a child after graduating. I just packed in all my memories inside, and stored them there so I could continue to lead my life "normally".  Never thinking that I would ever have to face them....boy, was I wrong!

About 3 years ago, I had a big message/life lesson from the universe that the patterns in my life couldn't continue, that I have a bigger path that was not being followed. That there was a bigger plan.  So I started on this path....thinking it would be great to just unravel the unwanted/unhealthy habits/ways of seeing myself and the world, and then that would be that. Like magic! Well, NOT QUITE AS EASY as I had expected, and boy are things unraveling.

What is making the path SO challenging for me is the acute awareness that is prevalent now in all aspects of my life.  This awareness is causing such anxiety, helplessness and sometimes just feeling at a loss.  As I become aware of a thought or feeling that may not be healthy, the frustration sets in as all  I have in my "bank" is what I learned from previous role models and the trained mind of what the truth is, about me and the world around me.  This was keeping me from believing in myself and the power I can have in this world.  Trying to unravel the years of learned views/behaviours is not as easy as it may seem, because then there is the feeling of being at a loss in what to do or how to alter what is present .....all that is known. 

As I go through this time in my life of moving out of my comfort zone, on all levels, and continuing to grow and persevere in things I believe in, my time on the mat has been a pocket of my life that is immeasurable in value.  As things from the past start to rise, the mat is the one place they can release or "have a voice".  I have always been a little quiet and fairly private, and my time on the mat allows my body to move through the postures and feel what is rising to the surface and be present with it as I take each breath in my own little world on the mat....even though, really in a packed room full of other sweaty yogis.;-)

This awareness, no matter how heightened and emotional at times, is inspiring me to be more than what I have allowed myself to be.  To get out from under the heavy rock of feelings of "why me" or "I can never achieve....", to be FREE from the past and etch down (slowly) to a more authentic self.  I often imagine this giant slab of rock that is slowly being etched away at to get a masterpiece.  A magnificent piece of work that took so much time and effort, and was created from a mere rock....inner spirit and beauty set free!
One that is such a free loving spirit, that has wings that want to fly with visions of a better world, a better life for those in need and a life filled with love and gratitude.  This is the journey I am on, this is what makes me persevere for myself and for others (Haiti with "Off the Mat, Into the World").  I  have had such challenges in my life, and feel so lucky and blessed for the opportunities and guidance I have been handed to lead me to where I am today, and I want to give back in some way.  To make a difference!  Giving back.....this is my path......
Check out to find out more about me, and the "Off the Mat, Into the World" challenge for Haiti.  Ways to support my journey and up-coming events and promotions are all listed.

With Gratitude and MUCH LOVE!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Off the Mat, Into the World (OTM) Challenge

Hello dear friends,
My first blog, YAY!! I have had so much I have wanted to share, from  my life experiences as of late, readings from my bed side table, and yogini life in general.  I apologize for the delay in getting this out.  I am generally a private person, so there is something about making this public that makes one a little apprehensive and hence check the work over and over again...but, here it last!
I will focus this blog on this incredible/ever so eye-opening challenge I joined with "Off the Mat, Into the World" to raise money for a country that is still in such dire need, Haiti. My motto this year is "It's all for Haiti!". I know the earthquake hit the already poverty stricken country over a year ago,  but by looking at the photos and reading what is STILL going on there, it seems like it happened just last week.  I know as weeks pass, and there's new news to focus our thoughts on, the situation changes in our minds and becomes a distant memory.  Our mind can only comprehend so much tragedy at one time.  Even now that the country I lived in for over  6 years and love dearly(Japan), is going through such mass devastation, it is hard to find space to put into perspective all that has happened even a month ago, all that is happening even as I write, and then try to lead a normal life when such suffering and pain is going on.  We are lucky and blessed beyond words.

When I became a full-time yogini last year, my mind was full of myself.  How was I going to survive?  Was I going to be stuck in my small place? How can I enjoy life when I will be making the bare minimum?  How will I survive without my passion of travel? The list of questions was endless....all about me.  As I began to live this yogini life of daily practice, guiding others along their journey, and having time to read and be introspective, I started to think about what it means to live this yogini life.  Is it getting to the deeper, more advanced poses? Is it teaching lots of classes? Is it moving to a simpler life?  I will leave these for you to ponder.  My gratitude increased and my heart opened for a greater go beyond myself.  Such a deep desire to do more for the greater serve in the true meaning.

One thing that did come up clearly in my mind, like a big bright light that was illuminating through me and all around was that seva (being of service) was key.  I feel that as yoga instructors, we lead our life in seva within our communities, being there for our students with open hearts and gentle guidance on a daily basis.  I had an urge to go beyond local seva!  I will admit, in part it is also because I have always wanted to give back and feel blessed that the universe brought me to this point in my life with divine guidance along my path of life to where I am now.

So, in January I sent in my intention to "Off the Mat, Into the World" to raise $20,000 for Haiti and next February go there to do humanitarian with the organizations that have committed so far.  Then I went straight to ACTION, making "OM" buttons for donations, creating a web-site, post cards and fundraising events. All my thoughts and time was on OTM.  The biggest fundraising event by far is the HUGE silent auction set for  May 15th at Czehoski Restaurant in Toronto.   I had NO idea how much work it was going to be to organize and have a deep respect for anyone that does fundraising for a living. Definitely makes you stronger, and more willfull...WOW!
Being a generally shy person, this process has definitely forced me to go out of my comfort zone and reach out to friends/businesses/organizations.  It has been like little pulls on my heart as I reach out to business/companies to get donations for the silent auction.  Each time a donation was approved of service/product it was like "hallelujah" was being sung from above and I just felt an overwhelming sense of joy within at the accomplishment.  On the flip side, each time I read "we commend you for your efforts but we are unable to donate at this time", my heart felt like it was at the pit of my belly and my eyes just blurred with tears.  Yes, it has been/still is an emotional/physical rollercoaster, but the feeling within of going beyond  myself and fulfilling my desire to not only help with the set up of organizations going to Haiti, but more importantly go there and be with the people, HEART to HEART.  I  knew this journey was going to be challenging on all levels, but I also knew that I was embarking on a mission of greater good and awareness, and for that I am grateful. I am grateful for an opportunity to dig deeper, and open my heart to all the possibilities of the process and the outcome of greater good of humanity.  Here is the link to my web-site for all the fund raising events happening now and in the near future.
I am full of gratitude and love for all the warmth and support I have received since beginning this journey, and so thankful to encounter and connect with beautiful souls that this path has brought to me.
Thanks for reading,
Much love,

I am a full-time yogi (with occassional days in school supply teaching)